A canto, in memory of Hubert O'Hearn. A spontaneous improvisation, not unlike a conversation with Hubert: casual, meandering, tongue-in-cheek. Happy, but with a mist of melancholy. Press play and read on... Hubert was poised to give his support to my blues project; but, as we creators who knew him know well, he didn't "support" his friends the way most people do, with a Like on Facebook and maybe a one-in-ten chance of buying the finished product. No, he championed the creators he believed in, throwing the weight of his critical voice and substance of his publishing platforms behind their projects and using his literary voice to make sure the world knew and appreciated what his friends were up to. Hubert O’Hearn was one of my creative mentors. I was never brave enough to do the things he did; throwing caution to the wind and expatriating myself to more authorly climes as he did. But he was always encouraging with my writing, always willing to hand...