I love playing with words. Back in the day -- which, for me, was quite a long time ago now -- my friends and I used to practice writing by giving each other assignments. One of our favourites was the "15-Minute Sonnet." We would set a timer for 15 minutes, and put the hammer down on crafting a Shakespearean sonnet. But, it had to be good! Challenging, yes, but a great exercise that forces you to do things with language you wouldn't normally do. In fact, prior to that I was awarded with a young playwright's award in my home town for having composed an entire Shakespearean comedy in five acts. It was actually my major assignment for my writing class. Winning garnered a live stage reading, so that was pretty cool. Flash forward to 2016, and my wife and I were discussing Shakespeare once again, and I thought, "I wonder if I can do this with song lyrics?" So...I did. This is what I came up with. I realize it's not iambic pentameter, but it's still a fun e...