This is a hard truth about the music industry today: You are not unique or exceptional, and the music isn’t the product you’re selling. See, music used to be the product, and talent was rare. That was in the days when it cost a lot of money to find, develop, record, distribute, and market a musician. Today, we find that there are remarkably talented musicians everywhere, and everyone has the ability and resources to record as much as they like. It’s a buyer’s market, meaning fans can get music in any genre for free at the click of a button. Because there is no barrier to entry, there’s no commodity value in the music itself anymore. Take a look at American Idol this year: among the top 5, only one artist had never sung in public or recorded before. They all released singles as part of the competition(‘s money-making marketing machine). All of those singles charted to #1. Fritz’ self-produced and self-released EP charted to #1 on the iTunes pop charts. Why? Because he was on TV (it’s al...